NiceGUI 是一个基于 Python 的图形用户界面(GUI)框架,用于快速创建现代的、响应式...
61 篇文章MongoDB 是一款流行的开源文档型数据库,从它的命名来看,确实是有一定野心的。MongoDB 的原名一开始来自于 英文单词"Humongous", 中文含义是指"庞大",即命名者的意图是可以处理大规模的数据。...
Lightweight Python utilities for working with Redis. The purpose of walrus is to make working with Redis in Python a little easier. Rather than ask you to learn a new library, walrus subclasses and extends the popular redis-py client, allowing it to be used as a drop-in replacement. In addition to all the features in redis-py, walrus adds support for some newer commands, including full support for streams and consumer groups....
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使用阿里云镜像仓库安装flaskpip install flask -i "" --trusted-host ""创建一个flask项目from fl...